VSC Week 7

Week 7 Overview:

Last week, we focused on saying YES to our kids. Because it’s something we fall out of habit of doing, and we all find ourselves barking and snipping at them more often than we’d like, and that makes everyone cranky. You did amazing at finding ways to infuse more peace into your home by saying YES. And sometimes you even said YES to things that you didn’t love to do, or you didn’t want to do. But in the end, you saw what went well from saying YES, and that was worth it.

This week, we’re saying YES to ourselves. Because chances are you say YES to yourself evenĀ lessĀ than you say yes to your kids. And that’s a bad habit to get into if you want to have more fun and be more fulfilled.

Read below for the journal page and activity for the week.

Feel free to share any revelations, insights, or even the answers to the journal prompts or photos of the activity in the Virtual Summer Camp Members Facebook Group.

Daily Tips/Affirmations/Questions


Journal Prompts

This week, we’re still on the YES train!! Use this journal page to really hone in on the benefits of saying YES. There are several different ways to use this journal sheet. YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THEM ALL AT ONCE.

Click here to download the journal page.

How to use it:

  • Record what you said YES to last week.
  • Do some quick brain dumping of what you want to say YES to this week.
  • Breathe for a moment, and feel what you’re resisting the most. Write it in big letters in the circle the ONE thing you know is good for you but you haven’t gotten around to doing for whatever reason. Then, say YES to doing it.
  • Write your YES’s inside the circle, and write how saying YES makes you feel outside the circle.

Weekly Activities

Say YES to one thing for yourself each day, and head to the Facebook group to share what you did.